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- Government Money Fund – Yield = 2.0%, Return 5 year = .61%
- Balanced Fund (stock,bonds,Money Market) – Lower Risk Lower return
- (Growth) Blue Chip Growth – Return 5 year = 14.92%
- Capital Opportunity – Return 5 year = 11.64%
- (Growth) Communications and Technology – 5 year Return 5 year 14.09
- Corporate Income Domestic Bond – Highest yield most risk vs gov bonds
- (Growth & Security)Diversified Mid Cap Growth – 5 year return = 12.57 Broadly diversified
- Dividend Growth – 5 year return 11.29%, Dividends full exposure to stock market
- Equity Income – 5 year return = 8.04% large cap stocks undervalued
- Equity Index Fund – replicate S&P Index, 5 Year return 8.5%, can be volatile
- Extended Equity Market Index Fund – Small and Mid Cap US stocks index fund. 5 Year return = 7.62%
- Financial Services Domestic Stock Fund – 5 year return = 12.58%
- Floating Rate Fund (debt and bond investment) The biggest advantage of a floating rate fund is its lower degree of sensitivity to changes in interest rates, compared with a fund or instrument with a fixed payment rate or fixed bond coupon rate. Floating rate funds appeal to investors when interest rates are rising since the fund will yield a higher level of interest or coupon payments. When rates rise, bond prices fall. Red Flag RISK
- (Savings??)GNMA Bond Fund – (Government National Mortage Association) Ginnie Mae,
- Growth % Income 5 year = 10.71%, IT 22%
Spring – MVC Framework Overview
Node Traversy Crash Course
- npm init – (create package.json file listing dependencies)
- npm install express(local install)
- npm install express -g
- const path = require(‘path’)
- const myFile = require(‘./myFile’)
- node –version
- npm –version
- General Syntax
- const name = ‘Gary’
- console.log(name)
- function hello(){return ‘Hello World to ‘ + name}
Get Certified Get Ahead
I’ve read a lot of suggestions on Reddit for passing the Security+ 501, so I thought it was only fair to post my own after passing the 501 exam last night!
Resources I Used:
– Professor Messer Security+ 501 YouTube videos
– Professor Messer PDF Notes ($20, support a guy who is doing a valuable service for FREE in the IT community!)
– Darril Gibson’s online flash cards ($10, includes glossary terms, acronyms, and the ‘Remember This’ sections of his book)
– Darril Gibson’s online practice test questions ($50, these questions were INCREDIBLY helpful!)
I know a lot of folks recommend reading an actual book, like Darril Gibson’s, but as a working Mother of two young children, one being a newborn, I just did not have the time to read a book. The YouTube videos were super convenient and provided the baseline I needed. I purchased the online flash cards a couple weeks before the exam and purchased the practice questions several days before the exam. I should have purchased the practice questions a lot earlier. I did not realize how helpful they were going to be. If anything, GET THE PRACTICE QUESTIONS! They are similar enough, you’ll get a good idea of how the exam will be. The simulation questions were also invaluable!
What I DON’T recommend – Trying to memorize a test dump! That was my husband’s strategy and he failed it twice. You have to know the acronyms. You have to know how to do the simulation questions. You have to know the concepts in order to pick the BEST answer to any of the questions.
Good luck to everyone! Study hard and you will pass!
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SY0-401-C1-Mastering Security Basics Notes
- Confidentiality – Prevents unauthorized disclosure of data. Steganography provides this by hiding data within data.
- Encryption – scramble data to make it unreadable
- Access Controls – Identification, Authentication, Authorization combined provide access controls help ensure only authorized personnel can access the data.
- Identification – Users claim identity with unique user name
- Authentication – Users prove their identity with authentication.
- Authorization – Grant or restrict access to resources based on user permissions.
- Security Triad – Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability
***TEST*** Get Certified Get Ahead, Darril GIbson
Remember this – Confidentiality ensures that data is only viewable by authorized users. The best way to do this is by encrypting. PII, DB data , mobile data. Access controls help protect confidentiality by restricting access. Steganography example: Hiding text files within image files.
Test Watu Quiz
Please go to Test Watu Quiz to view the test
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